Well it appears a sign that looks just like this one will soon grace our lawn. The month before we had Aiden we got a letter in the mail addressed to the owners of the home we're renting stating that they were 6 months delinquent on their mortgage payments, we notified the property managers and nothing became of it. It was our fault for not following up, but with the baby coming and Kimball starting rotations it just slipped our minds. Well we received letters from about 15 different law firms on Friday all with statements like "Get out of Foreclosure for Free" in big bold letters. We called the property managers again and long story short..the owners are almost a year behind in mortgage payments and were using the rent we were paying for something else, and are subsequently waiting for the home to foreclose and be sold at auction. Said auction will take place the first Tuesday of next month..which is in 15 days! The property manager continued to say that they no longer represent them (the owners) as clients, they will mail us our deposit in full (no inspection) and basically are jumping this sinking ship that we are now living in. In an attempt to be positive I'm now going to list the pros to this situation
1) I don't have to re-paint, clean, repair, or do any work for my deposit
2) My mom might come out to help us move!
3) There is a house available with 4 bedrooms instead of 3 (craft room!), a fireplace, and about 600 more square feet! Its also in our ward boundaries so we wouldnt have to say goodbye to our ward family!(Just when you thought you were getting rid of us =)
4) We've already had a huge outpouring of help from friends who have offered to watch kids, help us move, and even live with them while we try to find another place!We also have a friend in the mortgage business who has been a tremendous amount of help (thanks Michelle!)
5) We won't have to pay rent in December since there won't be anyone to pay rent to...maybe some new couches to put into a new house! At the very least we get to pocket the money!
6) Finally there was a SpongeBob Squarepants marathon on Nickelodeon today so Mya was entertained while I was on the phone all day with property managers, law firms, etc. She gets to go to school tomorrow and learn new things so I'm not to upset about her watching t.v. all day long!
and since there isn't enough time to list all of the negative things I'll just keep trying to focus on the positive. Please pray for us that this will all work out!
Let me know if you need anything. I know I am on everyones bad list these days, but the kids are more then welcome to come over and I have about 10 - 15 big plastic tubs you borrow and move your stuff in.
Shoot. I had no idea. That really really stinks. I hope you find a new place soon. Add me to the list (seriously) of people who can help. I'm more than happy to watch Mya and Aiden or help you box up and move or clean or whatever. We have a truck, too.
Wow, So sorry dear I will pray I am a great packer esp kitchens and will help in any way I can I will think about coming up w/ a way to pry your clock off the wall
Oh Holly! I know that everything will be alright...but I must admit, I love your house and will be sad to help you pack it up. I will admit that I am a little excited to watch you turn a new house into a Martha Stewart masterpiece. You know I am here if you need anything...I will continue to hunt down the foreclosure firm...after all, that's what friends are for.
Unbelieveable that those folks stayed out of foreclosure that long--a year and put you guys in harm's way. Anything you need, we'll do what we can. Not a great time to be dealing with this.
Holly, I am here for you. What ever you need. I know you will not ask so I will be calling you every couple of days to see what I can do.
oh no!!! don't leave the ward, that's all I have to say. That and add me to the list, I love to help :)
You know you can stay here if you need to while you go through the transition phase of getting into the new house. I don't know what you'd do with all your stuff, but we have two guest bedrooms, a pack and play, your own bathroom and a second living room (complete with its own DVR) that are all at your disposal if you need them or even want them. I am more than willing to come help you pack, too. Just let me know when the first packing party is! I share Michelle's enthusiasm for watching you turn another house into a Martha Stewart masterpiece, though. Feel free to practice on my home while you are in limbo...;) hehe
Well crap. I'll call you.
That's rough. Good for you for staying positive though. You know I'd help if we lived in the same state. Moral support?
Oh, wow. Now that's just not something you want to get in the mail. So sorry! I'd love to help. We'll be gone from tuesday night to sometime Sunday- but I'm home basically all the time other than that.
You can always come home......
WOW! Not fun! But just look at all of the support you guys have. I too would love to help in any way!! Oh and so would your home teachers!! Totally agree with the girls. . . you now have another white canvas!
LOVE your fam pics!!soo cute!
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