This post has lived in my head for awhile...but now that we've ironed out the details with my parents while they were here for a visit (more on that later), I felt it was time to tell our friends and loved ones we've decided to move to Utah in December.
Question #1 Doesn't Kimball have to go to school?
Answer: Kimball can technically do rotations with any Doctor, they just have to be approved with the school. Besides a 2 week E.R. rotation that is required in Fort Worth he can still do what he needs to in any area, and with a family full of medical professionals it shouldn't be hard to find a rotation (hopefully)
Question #2 Why?
Answer: a few reasons..With the fiasco last year and having to move, our new 12 month lease ends in Dec. So instead of trying to sign another 6 month lease we've decided to move in with my parents for the few interim months before we find out where we've matched for residency (March!). Also, our hope is to try and buy a home wherever that may be and living with my parents and not paying rent on a place will help us save up for a down payment on a loan. And lastly, traveling is soon going to be the name of the game not only to go to interviews across the country (already one in El Paso, and one in Virginia!) but also Kimball's away rotations, and I will want to travel with him to wherever we match to try and find a home. All of that adds up quickly monetarily so we can use all of the lee-way we can get financially.
....with that being said....
This has been an enormously hard decision. We WANT to finish out our med school days here in our home where we've built a comfortable place for our children, where we have a wonderful ward family, and very dear friends. We are aware that it will be even more difficult to say goodbye to those that have seen us through these last few years. There are those that think we haven't put a lot of thought into this, but we have and we both feel strongly that this is the path Heavenly Father would have us travel at this time. It will be bittersweet as we leave our family and friends here, but we're also excited to spend more time with my family and Kimball's little brother and his wife that live in Provo, and our friends down there.
So that's that. Until the time comes to start saying goodbye we will cherish these last few months we have to stay here in Texas which I've even grown to love (who'd'of thunk?) and save the farewell's for another day.