This is strictly for me and my family to look back on and remember, If you read through it, wonderful, if you enjoy reading through it, Bonus!
A look at the last decade...
2000- I was student body officer as a freshman, and decided to take concert choir, which led to auditioning for sophmore choirs, which led to an interest that defined most of my high school career, so generally a good choice. I had 5 nieces and nephews at this point. I admit now I was interested in friends, boys, myself, and little else.
2001- Continued with choir and theatre. Joined the swim team, did it mostly for the boys. Andrea got married, I was so sad she was officially gone from the house. Swam, ate, slept, and sang, and not much else, oh and kissed a fair share of boys...geez
2002- Got mono- ick, Got attacked by a dog- bigger ick, Mom got a tumor on her parathyroid- biggest ick of all. Went to New York City and sang in Carnegie Hall, something I'll always remember, Snuck out and went to Grand Central Station alone with Carlye...oops.
2003- Got into Madrigals, sang to more people that Christmas than I could shake a stick at. Played Rapunzel in Into the Woods, one show I ripped the back of my dress open while trying to get up into my tower, had to be on stage about a minute after that. Began a serious relationship.
2004- Big year. Went to California with Mads. Graduated high school, cried at our last madrigal gig. Realized which friendships were gonna last (and they have). Ended the serious relationship, which was difficult. Moved to Provo to go to UVSC. Went to church at the singles ward and met my beloved Kimball. He was the Sunday school teacher. That night I went to his apartment and after introducing myself I told him I thought we should get married. He looked at me funny.
2005- Was endowed in the Salt Lake Temple. Was sealed to Kimball in the Mount Timpanogos temple. Lived the newlywed life for a few months. I got a job with an ENT/oncologist. Kimball began applying to Med school. Found out I was pregnant with sweet Mya.
2006- Kimball was accepted into Medical School in North Texas. My baby girl joined our family changing it forever. We moved to a small house a month after she was born to downtown Fort Worth as Kimball began school.
2007- School, School, School, School, School, we moved into the Saginaw ward where we made life long friends. More School. In December we found out I was pregnant with handsome Aiden.
2008- Kimball began clinical rotations, and became a happier man. School and Pregnancy dominated our lives. Aiden joined our family, we knew he belonged with us, even though his constant crying suggested he might have felt otherwise. In December we moved to a different house, same neighborhood.
2009- Yet again more school. Kimball began applying and subsequently interviewing for Residency positions around the country. In December we moved back to Utah to await news of where we'd end up....thats a lot of moving wouldnt you agree?
2010- March we'll find out where we'll be headed next, which guessed it...another move. This time it will be at least semi-permanent, into a place we can buy and call our own. Kimball will graduate from Medical School! I'll cry tears of joy for the years gone by, and fear for the years to come. We'll begin a life together, in a new place, and hopefully get pregnant with #3.
phew! I'm tired just typing it all out. I'm excited by the thought of what I might write in another post like this for the next decade gone by. The main thing is we've grown and learned as a here's to another decade together, our favorite place to be.